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Heart The Dog Has Feline Competition

Heart-kun, the puppy with the heart-shaped patch on his side, has become internationally famous, recently showing up on a Reuters story (check out the video if you like cute animals). But now he’s got some competition: Chachamaru, a kitten with a heart-shaped mark on the other side.

FNN is reporting on Masako Nakaya, a resident of Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture and her unusual cat, Chachamaru. A month ago, an animal hospital was looking for a home for an abandoned kitten that had a heart-shaped patch of fur on its right side. Nakaya volunteered to take him in.

Now five months old, Chachamaru has, according to FNN, made the Nakaya house a lively place. Although someone abandoned Chachamaru, Nakaya says he’s brought happiness to her home (not to mention her 15 minutes of fame). No word on whether they’re going to try for the life of fame and fortune like Heart-kun, but they appear to be happy to just have him around.

A bit of video from FNN:

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